Casa Res 10th Anniversary

Developed the initial layout design for the 10th anniversary celebration of the brand "Casa Res". The creative direction of the project aimed to seamlessly integrate it with the brand's essence. By establishing a strong connection between the brand's message and its products, we incorporated fire elements to evoke emotional resonance and captivate the audience.
Sadly this idea didn´t make to the end, but make the foundation for the final design with the elements on fire. ✨
AGENCY: Punto 99
CEO: Javier Reyes
DGC: Santiago Landaburu
Creative: Pablo Olmedo Velarde
Motion Graphics, Logo Design, Art Director KV: Paulo Guzmán
Copywriter: Andrés Ramirez / Gonzalo Arrieta 
Design: Alejandro Flores / Juan Sebastián Bermeo / Pablo Daniel Sierra / Gustavo Hualpa / Martina Torres
Casa Res 10th Anniversary